BREATHING DOWN THE MOON GONG BATH CEREMONY with Lea Garnier, Scott Williams & special guests

With Lea Garnier, Scott Williams and Ursula Ore

March 4, 2023

  • $40.00 – Program Price

Full Moon Sound Bath Ceremony

This full moon is known as the Worm Moon, because of the Earth worms that wriggle out of the ground as the Earth begins to thaw in March.

It is in the sign of Virgo. This is a highly significant time from a spiritual perspective as it represents the culmination of a cycle of growth and transformation.

In astrology, Virgo is associated with purity, service, and attention to detail. Thus, the full moon in Virgo invites us to focus on the details of our lives and to approach our spiritual practice with precision and care. This is a time to review and reflect on our habits, routines, and daily practices, and to assess how they are serving us in our spiritual journey.

From a spiritual perspective, the full moon in Virgo is also a time to release negative patterns, beliefs, and energies that are holding us back from our highest potential. This can be achieved through meditation, journaling, or ritual practices such as burning sage or lighting candles. It is a time to let go of anything that no longer serves us and to make space for new growth and transformation.

Overall, the full moon in Virgo is a powerful time for spiritual reflection, purification, and renewal. It invites us to approach our spiritual practices with intention, attention, and care, and to release any negative patterns or energies that are holding us back.



About the Leaders

Lea Garnier

Lea Garnier has worked in the healing arts for over 20 years and is an accomplished practitioner in this field.  She began her healing journey by making healing paintings that have been displayed, sold and published in Europe and New York State.  Lea found Craniosacral Therapy in NYC after suffering neck and back injuries sustained […]

Learn more about Lea Garnier

Scott Williams

Having worked for years as a successful Creative Director, Scott sought something with a deeper resonance. Liking the tone of sound baths, he decided to attend one at Sage Academy of Sound Energy in Woodstock, NY, on a whim. That experience was his big bang and first awakened him to the power of Sound. With […]

Learn more about Scott Williams

Ursula Ore

Ursula grew up in the Catskill Mountains. Her early life, beginning at age 3, through young adulthood was dance, primarily ballet, which she continues to study in the present day. Growing up surrounded with the natural beauty of the Catskill Mountains fostered a deep connection to nature and spirituality. At age 15 she began to […]

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