NEW MOON CRYSTAL MEDICINA CEREMONY with Lea Garnier & Scott Williams

November 19, 2022

  • $40.00 – Program Price

 This new moon we are moving from deep and introspective Scorpio, into free spirited and adventurous Sagittarius!

Sagittarius is a sign eager for expansion – ruling the thighs and legs as we make strides towards the direction of our dreams.

As Above So Below: hear, see, and feel our close relationship to the cosmic dance of the spheres.  We will be positioning our planetary self in alignment with it all to embody fully who we truly are.  Our ancestral relationship to the Cosmos and Sacred Sound induce varying degrees of “shamanic” experiences.  The vibrations of the crystal bowls help bring the heavens to earth.  Crystal Sound will allow us to travel to portals of higher levels of consciousness, expanding the boundaries of our world, and clearing space in order to bring down these powerful energies for the good of all.

$40 exchange. Inquiries: or 845 679 5650